88 search results for "oak"

Milton man shot at in local road incident, suspects apprehended

by Frank Schroth

Last night at 9:00 P.M. several 911 calls reported the sound of gun shots in the vicinity of Oak Street and Route 138. The shots fired apparently stemmed from a road rage incident on Brush Hill Road. No one was injured. By 2:00 A.M. three suspects were in custody. They will be arraigned this morning at Quincy District Court: two on murder charges and one for unlawful possession of a handgun.

Hendries getting a clean up

by Frank Schroth

Residents driving through the Central Avenue business district might have noticed a cherry picker in  the small lot of the Hendries building. The equipment is there as part of an apparent clean up effort. A small crew could be seen raking and performing grounds maintenance. A painter was up in the cherry picker touching up the top of the building.

Break ins continue – lock up!

A police officer stopped by the other day to chat with a group of neighbors on Avalon Road. There had been break ins on Eliot, Oak and Capen Streets.These occurred late last week.

Yesterday a letter among concerned residents of the area was circulated informing them of the robberies and asking they BE VIGILANT. Get to know your neighbors if you do not already.

Mtg notes: Plan’g Brd 06.23.11 – Hendries back on track; design to be revisited

For a Planning Board meeting last night was short and sweet.

Steven Connelly appeared before the board regarding the extension he has requested. Connelly had asked to postpone appearing before the board until he had an oppotunity to evaluate the zoning and address specific points that the board had flagged regarding the design. It appeared that there might be a difference of opinion on interpreting zoning as it applied to this development.

Apparently that has been resolved.

Mtg notes: Plan’g Brd 06.10.11 – Board displeased with Hendries delays

Mr. Whiteside and Mr. Jackson were not pleased to hear that Connelly Construction, the developer of the Hendries site, would not be coming back before until September. This was reported to them by Chairman Emily Innes who had a meeting with Jerry and Steve Connelly regarding recent issues that the board had identified regarding the development. Whiteside characterized the Connelly’s timetable as “preposterous.”

Architectural renderings of Hendries development

Connelly Construction, the firm redeveveloping the Hendries property, has retained Warren Daniel as architect for a new mixed use structure. Following are two of Mr. Daniel’s preliminary renderings.

The proposal is currently being held up while the Plannng Board and developer negotiate whether or not a large black oak that sits on the property should be factored into the development. (View related posts here.)

Mtg notes: Plan’g Brd 03.4.11 (1) – Developer calls on Jackson to recuse himself from Hendries deliberations

During last night’s open hearing on the Hendries property Steven Connelly of Connelly Construction read a sharply worded letter in which he called on Planning Board member Peter Jackson to recuse himself from the special permit process for 131 Eliot Street, stating that Mr. Jackson was “jeopardizing the integrity” of the board and that his conduct was “unbecoming” that of an elected official. Mr. Jackson said the request was “outrageous.”