Mtg notes: Plan’g Brd 06.10.11 – Board displeased with Hendries delays

Mr. Whiteside and Mr. Jackson were not pleased to hear that Connelly Construction, the developer of the Hendries site, would not be coming back before until September. This was reported to them by Chairman Emily Innes who had a meeting with Jerry and Steve Connelly regarding recent issues that the board had identified regarding the development. Whiteside characterized the Connelly’s timetable as “preposterous.”

The board had given the developers a list of 25 items in which zoning was not being complied with. The developer’s architect Warren Daniel responded to those concerns; but not to the boards’ satisfaction (Please see this post).

The Connellys are asking for time to read the zoning and prepare a chart that maps out the zoning regulations and identifies how they will address the concerns. Innes reported that she had suggested a meeting in August but the Connellys did not feel that provided them enough time. Whiteside stated that they had been offered “Time and time again” the opportunity to meet with the board and that “another three months of that dangerous building sitting there is not really acceptable to me. . . in the ned [they are] going to comply with the zoning.” He went on to say that the time would be better spent dealing with problems rather than reading the zoning.

Another issue that came up was payment to Largess for his assessment of the black oak which has since been taken down. Largess has not yet been paid. According to Town Planner Clark, the Town Administrator’s office has committed to paying Mr. Largess. However, the bill is an obligation of Connelly Construction. They have agreed to pay the bill but the board was not pleased to hear that it was not being dealt with in a timely manner.

The decision of the board was to continue the hearing for two weeks. They will take it up again on 6/23 at which time they expect to see Mr. Connelly. If no one is present then it is “highly unlikely we will consider the matter further,” said Whiteside. Mr. Lynch and Mr. Duffy did not speak on the issue.

Other business included but was not limited to:

Approval of site plan for Milton Gas at 310 Granite Avenue. It was approved 3-2 (Duffy and Jackson opposed). The plan calls for additional pumps. Duffy was concerned about trucks possibly overhanging sidewalks, creating a safety issue.

Mr. Clark gave an update on the wind turbine. An injunction has been filed by Quarry Hills. The case has been heard but the judge has not yet issued a ruling on it. Construction on the turbine can only occur between October 15th and April 15th according to Clark due to restrictions issued by National Heritage regarding certain wildlife patterns.

A date has yet to be set for Howard, Stein Hudson to give a final presentation of the Board of Selectmen regarding the East Milton Parking Study.

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