Hendries getting a clean up

by Frank Schroth

Residents driving through the Central Avenue business district might have noticed a cherry picker in  the small lot of the Hendries building. The equipment is there as part of an apparent clean up effort. A small crew could be seen raking and performing grounds maintenance. A painter was up in the cherry picker touching up the top of the building.

Given the presence of the crew it is likely the Conservation Commmission, which toured the property last Saturday, lifted it’s temporary restraining order on Connelly Construction. The order had been issued when the developer had taken down the black oak tree without first obtaining the persmission of the Conservation Commission. At the time Connelly was not aware permission was required. He had the tree removed because he believed it to be unhealthy and a safety hazard.

Here is a photo of the buidling today and an architectural rendering of the  proposed new building.

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