88 search results for "oak"

Mtg notes: Plan’g Brd 03.24.11 – Residents lament loss of oak; new design for Hendries presented

It was the first Planning Board session since the removal of the black oak tree on the Hendries site so it was not surprising that last night’s planning board session was largely devoted discussion of the tree and it’s consequences to the development plan. It was also the first session since Mr. Connelly, the developer of the Hendries site had called for board member Pete Jackson to recuse himself.

Town up in arms over felling of oak tree

from Boston.com – Your Town Milton

The Hendries oak is dead and chipped into little bits, but its controversy lives on.

Both the town’s Planning Board and its Conservation Commission are grappling with whether the big tree was removed for good cause; the commission is considering whether fines are in order. (Read the full story here.)

Update: Oak tree is taken down

Last updated 10:25 pm 03.09.11. Click read more for additional photos.

In a move that surprised town officials and neighbors Connelly Construction brought in a company to take down the black oak on the Hendries building site.  Connelly construction cited the trees condition as a potential public safety hazard and their liability in explaining why they were removing the tree.

Letter: Sustainable Milton seeks preservation of Hendries oak

Dear Mr. Clark and members of the planning board,

I am writing to you on behalf of Sustainable Milton as our board voted unanimously at our February meeting to approach you in an official capacity to support the Hendries black oak located at the corner of Eliot St. and Central Ave..

Petition circulating to save Hendries black oak

At a recent meeting of the Planning Board a member of the board commented that there was little known about the public’s opinion regarding the black oak tree on the Hendries property. Hearing that, Milton resident Elise Brink initiated a drive to collect signatures from residents in favor of preserving the tree.