52 search results for "oak tree"

Petition circulating to save Hendries black oak

At a recent meeting of the Planning Board a member of the board commented that there was little known about the public’s opinion regarding the black oak tree on the Hendries property. Hearing that, Milton resident Elise Brink initiated a drive to collect signatures from residents in favor of preserving the tree.

The Hendries Black Oak

Following are pictures of the black oak that at the moment is a the middle of the discussion of the Hendries property development. The question is: should it stay or should it go?

Here’s a scary thought. . .

A Hendries Halloween

Commentary by Frank Schroth

Fall Town Meeting could get spooky this evening, especially when articles 12 &13 come up. They concern the town-owned portion of the Hendries property — that eerie parking lot that sits vacant and dark. What is spooky about these articles? Well, the town might make progress with a plan for moving forward. There’s a scary thought.

Mtg Notes: Plan’g Brd 07.26.12 – Still no vote on Hendries

by Frank Schroth

Despite urging by the public present at the meeting and the expectation of the developer’s attorney, the Planning Board resisted taking a vote on the granting of a bonus to Connelly Construction, developer of the Hendries site at 131 Eliot Street. The attorney, William McDermott, was hopeful the bonus would be granted; the residents in attendance recommended it be denied. Neither got their wish.

Letter: Enough – time to resolve Hendries differences and move on

from Thomas McGrath

I had intended to speak at tonite’s (February 9) Planning Board but was unable to attend. The following are the comments I had planned to make:

My name is Tom McGrath. I live at 123 Cliff Rd Milton. I am a practicing Architect and I worked on this project for the Connellys from sometime around 2001 until early 2008. I made the presentation to the Town Meeting in 2006 for the zoning change that included this review by the Planning Board.