Letter: Enough – time to resolve Hendries differences and move on

from Thomas McGrath

I had intended to speak at tonite’s (February 9) Planning Board but was unable to attend. The following are the comments I had planned to make:

My name is Tom McGrath. I live at 123 Cliff Rd Milton. I am a practicing Architect and I worked on this project for the Connellys from sometime around 2001 until early 2008. I made the presentation to the Town Meeting in 2006 for the zoning change that included this review by the Planning Board. I am not here at the Connelly’s request and I want to make it very clear that I have no professional interest in this project and in fact have not had any professional relationship with the Connellys in at least 4 years.

I am here to express my great frustration that although this Planning Board has been meeting on the application since July of 2010, we seem to be no closer to redeveloping this site than we were when the process started.

The designs I presented at the Town Meeting in 2006 showed a building similar in concept to the current design that was substantially larger than the current design (and by, the way it was made quite clear that the existing Black Oak tree would not be saved) The Town meeting voted to accept zoning changes that would allow a building such as this it it met certain design criteria relative to building bulk, traffic, parking, lot coverage, mixed residential and commercial use. They also created bonuses for the developer which would if met would allow a slightly larger project. The Planning Board Special Permit process is supposed to insure that the proposed building would meet those criteria and determine which of the bonuses would apply.

I have to ask why in 19 months the Planning Board has been unable to make that determination. This building is not a perfect building, not everyone will like it. Some will think it’s too big but it certainly will be better than the status quo. The Special Permit process is not to insure a perfect building or one that everyone will love.

(I certainly don’t love 36 Central Avenue, but they determined that it met the zoning) Their job is to insure that the building meets the new zoning requirements.

It is completely inappropriate to be discussing fundamental redesign at this stage. We need to resolve the few remaining issues relative to the Bonuses and move on. It appears that they may have decided tonite on the FAR bonus based on the questionable opininion of Town Counsel but one is never sure if this board has come to a final decision on anything.

It appears to me that a minority of residents who were opposed to the 2006 Town meeting  decision have gotten together to derail this project and have decided that the derelict empty building (half of which is owned by the Town) is preferable, at least in the short run, to a new building that arguably meets the requirements of the new zoning and has a smaller footprint and smaller building volume than the existing building. How long is long enough for this process? The way to proceed from here is for the Planning Board to make a definitive decision on the bonus and vote up or down on the design that they have in front of them.

Thomas McGrath

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