Here’s a scary thought. . .

A Hendries Halloween

Commentary by Frank Schroth

Fall Town Meeting could get spooky this evening, especially when articles 12 &13 come up. They concern the town-owned portion of the Hendries property — that eerie parking lot that sits vacant and dark. What is spooky about these articles? Well, the town might make progress with a plan for moving forward. There’s a scary thought.

There is much that is unknown about the large, foreboding building that sits empty, dark, and ominous. The first question that comes to mind is, why after twenty plus years of sitting there like that, is it still there?

Good question – especially as there appears to be consensus on what everyone wants: an attractive mixed used development that contributes to the ongoing revitalization of that neighborhood, is profitable for the developer, complies with the zoning, and generates tax revenue for the town.

Ah, but how to get there… there’s the rub.

Tonight the town articles regarding the property essentially concern themselves with freeing the sale of the property from the shackles of only being available for sale to the abutting property owner as stipulated in an article passed at town meeting in 2007. Though the article has not yet passed, the selectmen already put out a bid for the property, and the only bidder was the abutting property owner. The selectmen have not yet voted to accept the bid, which was substantially below the minimum asking price. (The asking price was $240K and the bid was $1K).

There are a number of mysteries swirling around this site that have been identified previously: demolition, property title, tree removal. Answers would be nice but maybe not critical to reaching a solution.

Whether this develops into a trick or treat is to be determined. There is a long history here and there are any number of issues, decisions and actions taken by town officials and the property owners that in hindsight may not have been in the best interests of achieving a positive outcome.  But assuming everyone wants the same thing, then surely a way forward can be found. Tonight may be the first step in removing this haunted house for good.

Here is a brief timeline of the history:

01.19.2000 – Carrick Realty Trust paid $258,000 for Hendries property according to Norfolk County Registry of Deeds

10.31.2003 – The Town of Milton purchased the parking lot on Central Avenue from the MBTA for $166,414.71 according to Norfolk County Registry of Deeds.

In 2007 Carrick Realty Trust signed a P&S with the town pending approval of special permit for the MBTA lot for a purchase price of $400,000. The parcel would be combined with theirs for a mixed use development.

The town had the MBTA lot appraised in 2008. The appraisal was $400,000

03.2011 Carrick Realty has black oak tree removed due to safety concerns.

08.24.2012 – The special permit for a mixed use development was denied by the Planning Board. The P&S was nullified.

Summer 2012 – demolition order issued for Hendries building

10.22.2012 – Town Meeting appropriates $198,278 for demolition of town owned portion of Hendries site.

03.2013 – 40B for Hendries site filed

The town had the MBTA lot appraised in the fall of 2013. The appraisal was $240,000.

Carrick Realty Trust submits a bid of $1,000 for the MBTA lot.

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