Petition circulating to save Hendries black oak

At a recent meeting of the Planning Board a member of the board commented that there was little known about the public’s opinion regarding the black oak tree on the Hendries property. Hearing that, Milton resident Elise Brink initiated a drive to collect signatures from residents in favor of preserving the tree.

At issue is a disagreement between the developer of the property and the Planning Board. The developer had an arborist look at the oak and determine it could not be salvaged. The board has asked that the developer hire an independent arborist to offer a second opinion.

The petition for those interested can be read and signed at Esprit Du Vin the wine shop across the street from the Hendries Property.

Following is a statement by Ms. Brink. For more information you can email her at

Her statement reads:


This tree is well over 200 years old which means it was around when George Washington lived.

Since that time, all the previous owners of this property at Eliot Street and Central Avenue have allowed this tree to stand at this corner gracing the area with its canopy and 58” callipered girth.

The new owner of this property wants it cut down.

Please sign our petition to ask the Planning Board not to allow this and have the owner come back with a plan that includes this magnificent Black Oak.

Eliot St. view looking west

photo courtesy of Tom Palmer

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