88 search results for "oak"

Hendries Developer requests PB to close public hearing

by Frank Schroth

If our town government were an amusement park then the Planning board might its carousel. Mr. Connelly, developer of the Hendries site seems to think so, and he wants off the ride. At the most recent meeting of the Planning Board he stated, “I think it is time for the Planning Board to close the hearing and create some sort of framework for us to move forward. For us it is a circular process.”

Milton Historical Society Tackles 100-Year Old Mystery

News release from The Milton Historical Society

On March 20th, the Milton Historical Society begins coring the ancient oak timbers of the Suffolk Resolves House to resolve a mystery, which 100 years ago divided members of the Society and the Town of Milton.

Letter: Enough – time to resolve Hendries differences and move on

from Thomas McGrath

I had intended to speak at tonite’s (February 9) Planning Board but was unable to attend. The following are the comments I had planned to make:

My name is Tom McGrath. I live at 123 Cliff Rd Milton. I am a practicing Architect and I worked on this project for the Connellys from sometime around 2001 until early 2008. I made the presentation to the Town Meeting in 2006 for the zoning change that included this review by the Planning Board.

A summary of Hendries status

by Frank Schroth

At the beginning of their last session Emily Innes, Chair of the Planning Board, provided a summary of the status of the Hendries special permit. It provided a useful context for where the project stood prior to that session. Following are the salient points Ms. Innes made.

Mtg notes: Plan’g Brd 01.27.12 – Hendries plans presented & challenged, bonus at a stalemate

by Frank Schroth

At last night’s meeting of the Planning Board, Connelly Construction attended with their team of experts and presented their current plans and studies. These included a traffic study, another assessment of the tree that has been removed, a site section plan, and massing scenarios. Citizens were invited to speak at the end of each segment. A few did, and they largely challenged the findings and content presented.

Mtg notes: Plan’g Brd 01.12.12 – Community Preservation Act endorsed, Hendries continuance, Pulte, & citizen frustration

by Frank Schroth

At last week’s Planning Board session, the members discussed the Community Preservation Act. Selectman Tom Hurley is a principal proponent of having the town adopt the act. An article regarding teh CPA will be on the warrant for annual Town Meeting. Mr. Hurley appeared before the  Board to advocate for adoption and outline the benefits as he see them. He received a very favorable response. The board voted unanimously to recommend a Yes vote on the article.

Update – Notice from MPD re: Road rage incident

News release from the Milton Police Department

On Thursday evening, January 12th at approximately 9:00 p.m., Milton Police received several 911 calls reporting shots fired in the area of Union Avenue/Oak Street/Blue Hill Avenue. While some media outlets have stated that this incident was a result of a road rage incident, there is no evidence of that and the exact motivation for this shooting remains under investigation. A synopsis of what transpired follows.