Mtg notes: Selectmen 1.6.15 – TM articles reviewed: stronger town admin, Ulin rink fund, Swift Hat shop and more

by Frank Schroth

It appears that annual Town Meeting will have a full plate. At last week’s meeting of the Board of Selectmen the members reviewed 17 articles that will be included in the warrant in addition to the budget articles. There were some surprises. Following are some highlights of articles to be voted on in May.

The selectmen agreed to make the warrant available electronically and town meeting members who have provided the Town Clerk with their email addresses should receive a notice sometime this week.

The Town Government Study Committee (TSGC) is recommending several articles that stem from the work they have been doing over the last two years regarding an examination and recommendations for how to improve municipal operations here in Milton. The TGSC has been reviewing a number of measures that might consolidate functions with the goal of improving efficiency and maximizing resources. The most significant article calls for strengthening the functions of the Town Administrator. The concept is to put more day to day decision making into the hands the Town Administrator and free the selectmen to concentrate on matters of policy and strategy. The specifics of which responsibilities the Administrator will take on are scheduled to be discussed in a joint session of the BoS and TGSC this week. Those will be included in the article’s recommendation. The TGSC has also submitted articles that include but are not limited to:

  • a call for an independent 5 member audit committee to be appointed by the moderator for the purpose of defining a scope of audit services that would include a review of internal controls, and retaining an outside accounting firm to perform financial audits and report to the town.
  • a call for the moderator to appoint a 5 member town bylaw committee to review the town’s bylaws and make recommendations for revisions as appropriate. The review would exclude personnel, zoning, wetlands and storm water management.
  • a call for the appointment of a 5 member IT committee that would develop a town-wide strategic plan for IT.

There are two articles submitted by citizens petition. One calls for a moratorium on all neon and LED signs in town and the formation of a committee to review existing bylaws and perform “an examination of the legality of current signage.” The second proposes a condominium planned unit development bylaw. The article states:

Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 9.32.23 AMThis article was also discussed at a meeting of the Condominium Committee last week. That committee is looking at developing a general purpose condominium townhouse zoning bylaw. This citizens petition, which to a certain extent pre-empts them, is believed to be submitted with eye toward the Hamilton property on Hillside. The committee is going to use the text of this article and assess how it might be used for a variety of properties in town.

The selectmen also discussed a pair of articles related to the Swift Hat Shop, the old, red structure that sits at the corner of Adams and Wharf Street. It is believed to be the oldest remaining commercial structure in Milton. The owner, Mike Roberts, has offered to move the building. The articles would seek to address his offer. One article would approve switching the jurisdiction of a parcel of land on Wharf Street from the Park & Recreation department to the Board of Selectmen. The second article would the selectmen to accept the gift of the building from Mr. Roberts. Chair Conlon was reluctant to approve the article noting a number of open issues regarding the transfer. These include how maintenance and repair would be funded, what use the building would be put to, and what the owner would be seeking from the town in exchange for the building. Conlon did vote along with Keohane and Hurley who both endorsed the article. During Citizen Speak a couple of residents spoke in support of the articles and said a committee was forming to advocate for the building’s preservation.

The Board of Selectmen are submiting a couple of articles that would establish funds dedicated for specific uses. One would establish a an enterprise fund for the Ulin Rink to handle operations. Another would establish an affordable housing trust. Amount are not specified. Those would be contained in recommendations

There is also an article seeking a home rule petition for a liquor license for the new Plate slated to open in the Milton Marketplace later this year.

In other business:

  • Dr Cindy Christiansen, a town meeting member from Precinct 7,  appeared during Citizen Speak to raise concerns about the level of services in East Milton. She said traffic continued to be hazardous and urged that enforcement be improved. She suggested that the MPD personnel allocated to Facebook duties be relieved of that responsibility and put back on the street. “Whatever you do, do something,” she said.
  • The board approve the hiring of Lisa Coull to be be a financial analyst working with the Town Accountant. Ms. Coull is currently the office administrator for the Department of Parks and Recreation.




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