“Inside the Trial Process” topic at Beth Shalom

Trial attorney Russ Pollock will be the guest speaker at the next Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills Brunch Speaker Series on Sunday morning, March 2nd (postponed from December), at the Pierce Middle School in Milton.  His topic will be “Voir Dire and Trial: The Anatomy of Jury Selection and the Trial Process.”  The brunch and talk are open to the public.

Mr. Pollock is a longtime trial lawyer from the firm Bergstresser & Pollock in Boston.  He will outline the heuristic thinking process that lawyers undergo when selecting a jury and conducting a trial.  A segment of his presentation will be the opportunity for his audience to think like an attorney and vote whether to retain or reject potential jurors.  It should be a fascinating, behind-the-scenes look at how trials work.

Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills, formerly Temple Shalom of Milton and Temple Beth El of Quincy, invites the public to its Brunch Speaker Series, which begins at 10:15 AM, with the speaker starting at approximately 11 AM.  A $5 donation for the brunch is requested to defray food costs, and a call or email to the congregation office is required for planning. The speaker portion can be attended for free.

Beth Shalom’s brunches are currently held at the Pierce Middle School cafeteria, 451 Central Avenue (entrance on Brook Road), Milton.  For more information, please call 617-698-3394 or email: office@TempleShalomOnline.org.


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