3 comments for “Weather Advisory in effect until 2/18@ 8:00pm

  1. Paul Yovino
    February 18, 2014 at 10:30 am

    Why did the DPW do such a poor job in plowing snow around the East Milton Post Office?
    Bad every year but worse this year.
    You cannot access the mailbox on Edgehill Road next to the closed East Milton Library. It is encassed in snow and ice. The mailbox on Hollis Street on the side of the Post Office is nearly as bad because the DPW plowed the road around it so poorly. Someone should take a picture of the pile of snow that has the shape of a plow blade that was dumped in the two handicapped parking spaces on Hollis Street. Why ? No excuse will do. We get snow in Milton every winter and this winter is no exception.
    The infamous former mayor of Boston, James Michael Curley, would say of snow on the streets of Boston that ” the Good Lord put it there and the Good Lord will take it away….”

    Spring is not an acceptable solution to the poor plowing in the public areas here in Milton.

    Time for the Milton DPW to do a much better snow removal job and to never again dump snow in handicapped parking spaces. That is nearly criminal. What if a handicapped person fell on a Milton street because he or she could not access a handicapped space. Do we need another law suit? No! time for the DPW to get out there now and remove the snow from all handicapped parking spaces.

  2. Philip Mathews
    February 18, 2014 at 6:36 pm

    Did you contact the DPW about snow being dumped in handicapped spaces?

  3. Paul Yovino
    February 18, 2014 at 8:38 pm

    Yes, Philip. Yesterday was a holiday. Called this morning but that should have been unnecessary. The shape of the plow blade – several feet long – was clearly visible filling an entire car length of the handicapped space.

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