“The time has come” – Dr. Drottar to retire from Milton High

Dr. John Drottar

After 34 years “the time has come,” said John Drottar.

John Drottar who taught math at the Cunningham Junior High and at Milton High and who for the last 9 years has been the principal of Milton High School has announced his retirement. He will be missed.

Dr. Drottar made the announcement to his staff on Thursday, March 3rd. Among other things, he would like to take a nice walk. “I plan to take some time to enjoy the autumn and do something interesting,” said Dr. Drottar. He mentioned hiking the Appalachian trail as one possibility.

“Since I started school in first grade, every September has been about school — either going to school or returning as a teacher,” he said. “It is time to take a moment to reflect.”

Dr. Drottar came to Milton in 1977 with 2 years of teaching under his belt.  After teaching junior high math for two years, he moved to Milton High School, and there he stayed first as a teacher, then math department head and finally, principal.

“When I first started out in teaching, I promised myself that I would quit when it stopped being fun. Well, that never happened in 36 years, so I decided, at this point in my life, it’s time to wrap it up and explore the other opportunities that life offers.” This is likely to be welcome news to his family. Dr. Drottar is married with three children and one grandchild.

According to Mary Gormley, Superintendent of Milton Public Schools, “John Drottar is leaving huge shoes to fill. The successful principal of a high-achieving American high school like Milton High School is a huge responsibility and takes someone as intelligent, dedicated and strong as Dr. John Drottar. Our town, school system, high school, parents, teachers/staff, students, School Committee and I have been very fortunate to have this exceptional leader serving in this most important role in our school system. I will personally and professionally miss working with John.”

She concluded, “We are all better for having worked with Dr. John Drottar.”

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