Milton has a busy week coming up

There will be plenty of drama in town this week, both literally and figuratively. Staring with the election Tuesday and ending with a couple of theater productions next week end. First things first – Don’t forget to vote!

Tuesday is election day and there are two Milton officials up for re-election: Deval Patrick for Governor and Brian Joyce for State Senate. Both are Democrats being challenged by Republicans Charlie Baker and Bob Burr respectively.Tim Cahill is also running for Governor as an Independent and Jill Stein is running on the Green Pary ticket. In addition there are races for State Treasurer, Attorney General, and Lieutenant Governor. You can find a complete list of races and candidates here. And, there are 3 important ballot questions. It is an important day. We all “have the power and bear the responsibility.”

Assuming we get through that, the Planning Board, School Committee, and Board of Selectmen are all meeting this week. The Planning Board it dealing with three developments: one on Pleasant Street, one on Brush Hill Rd, and the Hendries site. They will focus on Brush Hill Rd at this week’s meeting. The School Committee may choose to respond to a very vocal statement made in support of arts in the schools that was made by a group of parents at their last session and the Board of Selectmen are going to be concentrating more of their attention on what to do with the Stoughton land (agendas for these meetings are not yet available online). There will also be an important meeting on the 3rd. Henry Stein Hudson will hold a hearing on the East Milton Parking Study to be held at the Council on Aging.

By then everyone should be ready for a break and there are two local productions worth seeing. The MHS drama and music groups are presenting “Anything Goes!” a musical revue with humor, dancing, and more! Down the street and around the corner the Milton Players will be staging the Tennessee Williams classic A Steetcar Named Desire No reason you can’t see both!

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