31 search results for "milton mews"

Mtg Notes: Plan’g Brd 07.26.13 – Woman’s Club development proposed; Mr. Chan’s OK’d; what’s up with 17 Canton Ave

by Frank Schroth

Paul Sullivan and Scott Henderson, who were representing John Morrill who has a P&S with the Women’s Club, presented a preliminary concept for how they want to develop the club property. They want to construct 4 homes on a private way that would come off Reedsdale Road. They are seeking several waivers all of which relate to reducing zoning requirements. For example, they want to reduce the pavement width and not include sidewalks.

Mtg Notes: Plan’g Brd 07.11.13 – Housing plan lambasted; 30 – 70 residential units being considered for Hillside 40B

by Frank Schroth

Planning Board members, principally Chair Whiteside and member Kelly, lambasted the draft of the Housing Production Plan produced by a consultant. Their primary objection was with regard to listing current 40B developments under consideration (Milton Mews, Hendries) as goals. Whiteside said, We want the housing production plan to prevent Milton Mews and this states it as a goal.”

Meetings: Planning Board

The Planning Board will be meeting in the Blute conference room at Town Hall on June 12th @ 6:30 to discuss the letter regarding the proposed Milton Mews 40B development.

The Planning Board will be meeting in the John Cronin conference room at Town Hall on June 13th @ 6:30. The agenda includes but is not limited to resuming the hearing on Coulter landscaping, a review of draft comments on Master Plan, and discussion of development at 591 Blue Hill Ave. The complete agendas of all upcoming town meetings can be found here.

Mtg notes: BoS 06.06.13 – 40B comment letter gets some teeth; airport noise; MATV improvements

by Frank Schroth

The persistence of a neighborhood community group and the gentle insistence of Selectman Katie Conlon resulted in the comment letter being submitted by the Board of Selectmen to MassHousing regarding Milton Mews, a 40B proposed development, to get slightly sharper teeth. The selectmen approved the letter pending changes discussed and will give it one more look before submitting by the deadline (end of business Monday).

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0531_tpalmer_spiderThe pic for the day comes from avid naturalist Tom Palmer. Click on the image to view the post.

The quote is:

“What is a nice guy like you doing in a place like that.”

                           — from Alex Whiteside, Chair of the Planning Board to Bill Clark, Town Planner, upon learning of Mr. Clark’s upcomng attendence at a Board of Selectmen’s meeting.

There were a number of issues and event that mattered to Milton that took place. They included but were not limited to:

Mtg Notes: Plan’g Brd 04.18.13 – PB recommends moratorium for medical marijuana; 17 Canton Ave; and 40B discussion

by Frank Schroth

The Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend a moratorium on any development regarding medical marijuana. Towns need to have plans in place for the growing and dispensing of medical marijuana. Town Planner said the state said refusing to have a dispensary is not an option. The rules and regulations established by the state are extensive.

Plan’g Brd roundup: Squiggle or no squiggle PB approves Hillside ANR; 40B discussion, 17 Canton Ave

by Frank Schroth

At their meeting on March 21 the Planning Board resumed their discussion of an ANR lot on Hillside Street. ANR is an acronym for “approval not required.” However, in this case, some form of approval is required, which helps to explain all the lawyers. It was strongly indicated at a previous session by the attorneys involved that either way the board’s decision would be appealed.

The Planning Board’s Housing Production Plan: a tepid effort at best

Commentary by Frank Schroth

Let’s start with the good news. At least one member of the Planning Board believes that the board should be engaged in planning. When the topic of Milton’s Housing Production Plan came up at the most recent meeting of the Planning Board, it was Ms. Innes who said, “We need a plan to get this [the housing production plan] done. It’s just hanging out there.” One out of five is .  .  .  frankly, a pretty poor statement on how the current board supports and advances the goals of the Planning Office.  “The primary focus of the Planning Office is to concentrate on economic development, housing strategy, and open space issues” according to its web site. How can you tell?

Quick snapshot of Brush Hill 40B plan

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by Frank Schroth

Note – Click on the image for a larger view. You can find all related documents complete with plans on town web site here.

Mill Creek is proposing to develop an apartment complex on Brush Hill Road. The plans call for 276 units of which 69 (25%) will be affordable. The firm acquired 3 properties which combined are ~22 acres.