Mtg Notes: Plan’g Brd 07.26.13 – Woman’s Club development proposed; Mr. Chan’s OK’d; what’s up with 17 Canton Ave

by Frank Schroth

Paul Sullivan and Scott Henderson, who were representing John Morrill who has a P&S with the Women’s Club, presented a preliminary concept for how they want to develop the club property. They want to construct 4 homes on a private way that would come off Reedsdale Road. They are seeking several waivers all of which relate to reducing zoning requirements. For example, they want to reduce the pavement width and not include sidewalks.

Chair Whiteside said it was a “tight subdivision” and that the maximum number of units available without waivers would be 3. The developer said that they needed 4 units to make the project economically feasible. Whether they will receive the waivers they want seems in doubt. Member Duffy said, “I’s like to see a sidewalk” to which Whiteside quickly responded, “There will be a sidewalk. We don’t waive sidewalks.” Whiteside also said the developers had come in without any suggestion of how they would address the 500 lb gorilla they project presents, drainage. Frank O’Brien, a neighborhood resident and member of the Board of Appeals, said he was hopeful for a plan that works for the developers, the neighbors and the town. Whiteside concluded the discussion saying that “We will wait for your next step but you have a lot to do.”

The board also heard from Walter Chan and his attorney Bob Sheffield. Mr. Chan owns the restaurant in his name in East Milton and is looking to expand into the space alongside his current restaurant. His plan it to add 20 seats and he has arranged for parking to be at Sovereign Bank. The board took some time discussing the parking. Member Duffy wants to have sandwich signs places strategically to inform patrons of parking availability. There was some question of whether or not the Board of Appeals  had considered the issue of parking in the afternoon. They had and determined it was not an issue. The board voted to approve the expansion.

The board also discussed 17 Canton Avenue (the old DeWolfe building) which has failed to date to abide by a number of design features and other issues that they agreed to. The building is higher than what the plans called for, the facade does not currently replicate the facade of the original structure. The original structure was torn down which was not the understanding of the board. It was thought the original structure would be preserved. Jeff Cruikshank an abutter was present to speak about the project and said he was representing a number of his neighbors. He admitted to being “surprised” at some of the construction that comes so close to his property especially given the “scrutiny” the proposal received. Cruikshank said it appeared that the developer essentially said “yeah, yeah” to the requested requirements and then did whatever they wanted. The Town Planner, Bill Clark, will be working with the architect to address the issues regarding entrance, window styling etc to bring the project into better conformance with what was proposed and agreed to.

In other business the Planning Board:

Reviewed the status of 40B’s with Bill Clark. The Milton Mews is under consideration by Mass Housing. there is no filing for a 40B at Hendries, and the 40B on Hillside which would could be 77 town houses is being proposed as a friendly 40B to the Board of Selectmen.

Three firms have submitted responses for Phase 2 of the Master Plan. They are:

  • Brown Walker Planners, Inc
  • Daphne Politis, Community Circle
  • VHB (Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.)




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