52 search results for "oak tree"

Hendries getting a clean up

by Frank Schroth

Residents driving through the Central Avenue business district might have noticed a cherry picker in  the small lot of the Hendries building. The equipment is there as part of an apparent clean up effort. A small crew could be seen raking and performing grounds maintenance. A painter was up in the cherry picker touching up the top of the building.

Mtg notes: Plan’g Brd 03.4.11 (1) – Developer calls on Jackson to recuse himself from Hendries deliberations

During last night’s open hearing on the Hendries property Steven Connelly of Connelly Construction read a sharply worded letter in which he called on Planning Board member Peter Jackson to recuse himself from the special permit process for 131 Eliot Street, stating that Mr. Jackson was “jeopardizing the integrity” of the board and that his conduct was “unbecoming” that of an elected official. Mr. Jackson said the request was “outrageous.”

Maltby Response Company RFP Response

Town Department: Planning Board

Topic: Hendries Development / 131 Eliot Street

Document: Maltby response to Planning Board RFP for assessing oak tree


You can view a PDF version of the document here.

Ackerson letter, 131 Eliot project

Town Department: Planning Board

Topic: HendriesDevelopment / 131 Eliot Street

Document: Ackerson lettter regarding oak tree


You can view a PDF version of the document here.

Con Comm denies site development permit for Hendries

by Frank Schroth

In a 4-2 vote Milton’s Conservation Commission denied a site development permit for the Hendries property last Tuesday night. The principal reason for denying the permit was a failure to satisfy the Commission’s desire for open space.

Con Comm hears 40B applications; voices concerns

by Frank Schroth

The Conservation Commission(Con Comm) met last Tuesday and heard from two firms that are in the process of obtaining the necessary permits to construct 40B housing developments. One is at the corner of Central and Eliot; the other is at 711 Randolph Avenue. The Commission voiced concerns with both developments.