There have been news stories all week regarding September tax revenues for Massachusetts being below estimates.
Friday Governor Patrick announced that the shortfall would be $243 million below expectation. The Globe reports; “Revenues have slumped despite several tax increases this year, forcing state officials over the next two weeks to downgrade revenue estimates for the remainder of the fiscal year, which began just three months ago. That process will probably force Patrick to make deeper cuts to the state’s $27 billion budget, possibly slashing the local aid sent to cities and towns.”
Not good. Though how bad this will be for Milton is hard to predict.
Town officials are in the process of dealing with the last cut in state aid to Milton. A special town meeting has been scheduled for October 19th. The warrant for this town meeting arrived in mail boxes last week. The warrant’s primary article is one that seeks to balance the town budget in light of cuts in state aid made subsequent to the override. There is a $331,000 shortfall and the Warrant committee’s article makes recommendations and seeks approval for cuts in services totaling that amount.
Given today’s news they may need to go back and do it again. You can read the Globe article here.