Milton High Recycling Toters Buried In Snow! Club Members Take Action!

Screen Shot 2015-03-06 at 6.48.30 AMOn Friday, February 27, the Milton High School Recycling Club gathered after school to shovel snow and free the recycling toters. The recycling toters have been engulfed in snow for the past several weeks so the trucks could not empty them. As a result, all recycling in the school was suspended. Twelve students and two advisors scavenged the school for shoveling equipment–one student even had to go home to bring back more shovels! The members started shoveling at 2:30 and fought through multiple layers of snow and ice. The shoveling concluded at 4:30 and members managed to release some of the toters. Now, with multiple toters liberated, the school can resume recycling, albeit not fully.

Screen Shot 2015-03-06 at 6.48.44 AMThe MHS Recycling Club has been in existence for a number of years, but has been ramping up its efforts over the last two years to tackle various initiatives. Those initiates include: textile recycling(bins located outside each Milton Public School), adding recycling bins to the outdoor fields, replacing drinking fountains with hydration stations, and implementing a comprehensive cafeteria composting and recycling system. All these initiatives require funding and community support. Please contact MHS recycling advisors, Scott Devlin( and Stephen Collyer( if you would like to help.

Lastly, the Recycling Club is sponsoring an electronics and jewelry drive on Saturday, March 14th from 9am-12pm at the front entrance of the high school. Acceptable items include:

  • Cellphones
  • Inkjet cartridges
  • iPads/tablets
  • iPods
  • Smart watches/fitness bands
  • Gold/silver/platinum jewelry

Proceeds from the drive will fund the club’s above initiatives.

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