MHS Bulletin for 09.25.09

  • Film Club: The Film Club will have a meeting today in room 306. Discussions will include fundraising and the upcoming movie night.
  • Outdoors Club: Permission slips and money are due for Apple Picking by the end of the day today. Because of limited transportation, students who return these first will get first priority in available seats.
  • Ultimate Frisbee Team: The last day to sign-up is today in Miss Derby’s room 105. No experience necessary, all welcome!
  • Book Club: Interested in the Book Club? We will meet on Tuesday after school in room 215. Bring ideas and titles.
  • Future Business Leaders of America: The FBLA will hold its first meeting on Wednesday Sept. 30th, in room 301 immediately after school.

  • LifeSmarts: There will be a LifeSmarts meeting next Wednesday, after school in room 307. LifeSmarts is a national, “Jeopardy”-like tournament for high school students sponsored by the National Consumers League. All MHS students are invited to attend next Wednesday’s meeting to learn more about LifeSmarts. We need your help as we strive to qualify for the state and national tournaments.
  • Community Service Opportunity: High School students can earn some Community service hours tonight, 6-9 p.m. in the High School Cafeteria. Service consists of helping the PAC during their meeting by helping run activities for children.
  • Community Service Opportunity: Celebrate Milton is being held on Saturday, October 3rd (Rain date: October 4th). Jobs include setting up tables, supervising younger students as they run the Green Monster Obstacle Course, helping to control a hot-air balloon and breaking down tables.  Sign up in the Main Office. Any questions see Ms. Beech or Ms. Plonski.

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