All hands on deck! MHS Walk-a-thon needs your support!

The MHS Walk-a-thon to support school activities that will be taking place this Saturday @ 3:00PM at the high school rain or shine, NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT . . .

How? Well, a couple ways. First, sponsor a student walker. If you don’t know one, go up to the school Saturday and find one. Trust me, there will be someone who would be glad to have YOU as a sponsor for, say, $10.0 0r whatever amount you are comfortable with.

Or – can you bake? Of course you can! The various activity advocacy groups have been asked to coordinate a bake sale. These groups include FAME (music), FAVA (visual arts), Drama, and the Boosters (sports). So make some cupcakes, cookies or muffins etc (ideally, nut free) and bring them up to the school and drop them off between 2:00 and 3:00.

For more information Karen Freedman-Hanna or Laura Kessler.

No one is happy about the financial situation we find ourselves in; but it is what it is. These are our kids, our schools, and our town. Please show your support!

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