Town Wide Free Shred Day

The Friends of the Milton Council on Aging is sponsoring the first ever town wide “Shred Day” at the Senior Center parking lot on Saturday, November 8th from 9:00 am till noon. This is a great opportunity for Milton residents to safely get rid of all those unwanted documents. Just load up your trunk and drive into the parking lot, and we’ll have a few of our great BC High volunteers available to unload your car. Your documents will be shredded right before your eyes. We will also have coffee and snacks available inside the Senior Center, so take a minute to drop in for avisit. The Senior Center is at 10 Walnut Street and the parking lot entrance is around the corner on Clapp Street.

  1 comment for “Town Wide Free Shred Day

  1. Judy Gundersen
    November 9, 2014 at 2:31 pm

    So sad here…I have advocated to the Police Chef and the DPW that the town find a way to sponsor a “Shred Day” for the past 2 years and to see the event with such short
    notice is immensely disappointing, or did I miss a previous notice from the town?

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