There are three candidates, Bryan Furze, Michael Hale, and John Sheldon, running for a seat on the Planning Board. It is a five year term. Following are the closing statements made by the two candidates who appeared at the recent Milton Matters forum held at Fuller Village.
Videos are courtesy of Milton Access TV.
Planning Board Candidate Bryan Furze’s closing statement from the Milton Matters Candidate’s Forum
Planning Board Candidate John Sheldon’s closing statement from Milton Matters Candidate’s Forum
Bryan Furze has shown his commitment to proactive planing by participating in Phase I and Phase II of the Master Plan process, volunteering to serve on, and chair, the Granite Avenue Study Committee, and by being a Town Meeting Member. He understands the role of the Planning Board in land use decisions, he has real estate development experience, and he has the leadership skills to bring sound decision making to the Planning Board. It is for these reasons that I believe Bryan is the best candidate for this position, and why he has my support.