Tragedy and trauma at Town Hall

Commentary by Frank Schroth

Death happens everyday. But it is never routine. When a manager of Milton Cab collapsed and died at town hall during a  routine meeting of the Board of Selectmen it was a shock and tragedy. There are the man’s family and friends burdened with a sorrow that has come too soon and those who witnessed an event the memory of which they most likely would rather forget.

It is easy to report on the details of the event but not so easy to describe its impact. Time will apply a salve. . . to the Chief and Town Planner who eased the man to the floor and did what needed to be done until EMTs arrived, to the officials at the table who saw the man collapse, and to the other folks present who found themselves in the middle of an emergency.

Our condolences go out to the family and friends of Mr. Tempesta. They also go out to our officials, neighbors and friends.

  1 comment for “Tragedy and trauma at Town Hall

  1. Elizabeth Thomas
    March 6, 2014 at 8:53 am

    What a sad turn of events. Milton cab has come to my rescue on so many occasions, I can only imagine how bereft the family of Mr. Tempesta must be at this time. Condolences to all on this sudden and tragic loss of a loved one . I am sure that amidst the sorrow it will bring some comfort to the family knowing that all in attendance did all they could to assist him during those final moments.

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