Joyce Announces Civil War Preservation Grant Opportunity

News release from the Office of Sentor Brian A. Joyce

Senator Brian A. Joyce has announced the availability of matching funds for the preservation of historic objects, sites, and document collections that are significant to the history of the Civil War. The Massachusetts Sesquicentennial Commission of the Civil War is accepting applications until April 1, 2014.

“Living in Massachusetts, we’re certainly aware of how much rich colonial history our state possesses,” said Joyce. “Sometimes overlooked is the role the Commonwealth played in the Civil War. I know that there are priceless artifacts like those in the Ames Mansion at Borderland State Park throughout my district that are related to the war and it’s important we protect and preserve these critical parts of our nation’s history.”

The program, a partnership of the Sesquicentennial Commission, the Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services, and the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities, is now in its second cycle.  Earlier this year, the Commission awarded over $91,000 in matching funds to 24 projects across the Commonwealth.

The program is open to Massachusetts municipalities and non-profit organizations and provides state matching funds of up to 50 percent of a project’s total cost, but not exceeding $7,500.  Eligible projects may include the renovation, rehabilitation, restoration, or enhancement of existing monuments or memorials relevant to the Civil War and Civil War veterans.  Proposals to construct new markers for historically significant sites will also be considered.  Also, eligibility was recently expanded to include preservation or digitization of historic documents. This will encompass local libraries and towns which may own or seek to acquire documents relevant to the Civil War such as archived records, or letters which may require restoration or digital archiving.

The rolling application period began Jan. 1, 2014 and ends on April 1, 2014. Application materials may be found on the Sesquicentennial Commission’s website:

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