Lowball pitch received for town owned Hendries property

Updated 10.19.13 @ 8:29pm
by Frank Schroth

The Board of Selectmen discussed the bids for purchase of the town owned portion of the Hendries property last Thursday night. It was a short conversation. Chair Keohane announced that there was one bid. It was from the Connellys, owners of the other portion of the property. Their bid was $1000.00 or  $239,000 below the minimum bid put forth the selectmen in their RFP.

The selectmen’s response was unequivocal. “I have no interest [in accepting a bid of $1000]. I vote to reject and move forward,” said member Hurley. “I agree,” said member Conlon. Keohane characterized the bid as “an insult of the highest degree” but he posed the question: wouldn’t it be better for the town to be receiving $160K-$180K in taxes with a new development than the current $12K they are receiving? In a conversation with the developer he stated that in the RFP response, the tax revenue is estimated at $300,000. Keohane also said that should they accept the bid “we get everything taken down.” The RFP stipulated that if the parcel should be combined with the abutting parcel then the entire building would need to be taken down within 60 days of the closing. He also said that should they accept the bid “we get everything taken down.” The RFP stipulated that if the parcel should be combined with the abutting parcel then the entire building would need to be taken down within 60 days of the closing. In other words, if the town owned property were purchased by the Connellys the demolition of entire building (both the town owned portion and Connelly owned portion) would take place within 2 months. There was no timeline for demolition if another party purchased the property.

This issue was also scheduled for executive session. Ms. Fagan, town administrator, counseled they might want to enter executive session to discuss further. Hurley was ready to make a motion then and there, noting that a vote to accept or reject the bid would need to be in open session. After a bit more discussion they decided to go into executive session and take a vote at a future meeting.


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