by Frank Schroth
The last session of the Planning Board included but was not limited to the following:
Alex Whiteside reported out on his last meeting with Senator Joyce and others seeking to e-engage the Connelly’s on developing a mixed use building rather than a 72 unit 40B apartment building.
The group is proposing a series of modifications to the plan that was proposed by the Connellys (Carrick Realty Trust). The application for a special permit for that plan was denied. The modifications are intended to address the zoning issues and provide incentives to the Connellys to reconsider.
There are some key changes. One is moving the entire building back an additional 10′ from Central Ave. This is to address the set back issue that existed with upper stories. Essentially the whole building is being set back. Another is giving consideration to home based businesses as assisting in satisfying the requirement for commercial space. These would be commercial condominiums.
Issues that remain are consensus on what constitutes a “public amenity” and the town owned portion of the building. Some of the “reviewers” as Mr Whiteside referred to them believed that the proposal had sufficient amenities, others did not. There was discussion of a pocket part in the northeast corner by the trolley stop. However, there is a question if that is feasible should the Neponset Greenway bike/pedestrian path come through there. Peter Mullin, one of the “reviewers” was concerned about the town owned land according to Mr. Whiteside. The town is in the process of obtaining a new appraisal of their portion of the property. Member Kelly note that, “You can do all the appraisals in the world . . . the property is only worth what someone will give you for it.”
“What’s it being used for?” asked Lynch about Hendries. “It’s being used for blight”, responded Member Whiteside
When asked, Mr. Whiteside said Cheryl Tougias had drawn up the plan being considered as a public service. He also said the Connelly’s pointed out that article 48 of the 2007 Town Warrant was approved and stipulates that the town will sell their portion of property to a developer only in support of a mixed use development. Town Meeting could vote to rescind that decision.
Mr. Whiteside concluded that his thought was to have a plan in event the Connelly’s came in with a complete application that conforms to his description of the proposal. He also noted that the board had discretion regarding the requirement that a developer cannot reapply within two years of having a special permit denied with essentially the same application.
The “fly in the ointment” as it were is what the developer’s reception is to this. Mr. Whiteside gave the impression that the Connelly’s are giving it serious consideration.
In other business, the board reviewed:
- Plans for Coulter Landscaping on Blue Hill Avenue. Mr. Whiteside pressed Attorney Ned Corcoran for specifics regarding details of the plan and felt it was not complete. Examples he pointed to were the height and location of the canopy and the direction lights would be pointing in. Corcoran said that they were not requesting anything new. Whiteside responded, “You are going to get a permit but you have to do what the zoning tells you to do.”
- Michael Balfe of Lantern Lane spoke of his concerns regarding the development of the Womans Club. The property is to be sold and he had heard from Paul Sullivan that 4 homes would be going into the lot. His concern was that he might find himself with lake front property – not something he wants. The land slopes away from Reedsdale. Mr Balfe’s concern is that with removal of trees, the current structure and vegetation that the plot could become flooded. There is already a bit of a water issue and his concern is that this will become much worse.
- On a housekeeping note, the planning board voted to keep everyone where they are. Mr. Whiteside will continue as chair, Mr. Duffy as Secretary, Ms. Innes as chair of Master Plan Committee, and Mr. Lynch as appointment to Capital Improvements Committee.