Notice from MPD: Be alert to phone scam

Notice from Milton Police Department

To all residents. The information outlined below was sent to us last night from the Boston Police Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC). This information involves a TELEPHONE SCAM:

Please be advised there is an ongoing telephone scam involving calls or texts in which the caller indicates that they are holding a family member against their will and they make a demand for payment of money. While these calls have been made to a wide variety of people we are aware that some members of local law enforcement, including BPD family members have also received these calls. We are advising that anyone receiving such a call attempt to obtain the number making the call, inquire about some detail about the location or description of a family member, and perhaps most importantly make efforts to contact the family member to ensure that they are in fact safe. It is important that personnel advise family members about this scam and to advise against delivering any money.

Any information about these calls can be delivered to the Milton Police Department at 617-698-3800.

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