WC adds $171k to school budget; temp positions for Building Insp & Parks

by Frank Schroth

A revised budget from the Massachusetts legislature came as a benefit to the schools. Chair of the Warrant Committee, Jean Wilson, reviewed the revised state aid. The number was ~$271,000. After some discussion the committee agreed to set aside $100,ooo of that leaving $171,000 for distribution to departments. The set aside was made to provide a cushion in the event that, for whatever reason, the town did not get the full amount.

Member Tougias made a motion to add the $171K to the school budget. She argued that the schools were the department in the most need as they were facing ~14 FTE layoffs. The committee voted in favor the motion but school officials present were challenged.

Member Kevin Chase was blunt with school officials. On hand at the meeting were Superintendent Gormley, Asst. Superintendent John Phelan, and School Committee members Glenn Pavlicek, Mary Kelly, and Leroy Walker. Chase said for the schools to properly address their financial situation they would need to make “structural” changes. He questioned the need for both a Cunningham and Collicot principal and the continued presence of custodians who, in his view, should be in Consolidated Facilities. He noted that the private sector has seen their benefits reduced (e.g. contributions to health care) and minimal salary increases.

Darnell Turner also gently chastised the officials for a “missed opportunity to put pressure on the town to do what needs to be done.” What he was referring to was the inevitability of an override next year. Turner’s point was that the general public is not properly informed regarding the financial strain that the schools function under and that getting out in front of the issue would help prepare the public to the need for an override and, hopefully, see a positive outcome when the time came to make the request. Turner noted that the town “dodged a bullet [this past year] and the town doesn’t know that” due to an exceptionally high amount of “free cash” that was available.

Mr. Turner was not the only member to vent a little frustration over the town’s general handling and communication of finances. Chair Wilson and Member Hayes both reminded Mr Hurley that the Selctmen had thrown a major wrench in the works several weeks ago when they blindsided the Warrant Committee with an unaccounted for $69,000 salary expense. Hayes said, “You turned our meeting into a shambles by dropping that on us.”

Hurley was present to repeat his plea for an additional resource for the Building Inspection department.  The Selectmen voted to add a position to assist with a backlog of zoning violations and inspections. Hayes noted, and Wilson reiterated, that the $69,000 expense that came out of the blue precluded new hires.

Hurley said that the BI position would pay for itself as there are fees associated with inspections. Members of the WC asked if the revenue might be enhanced it there was a higher fee associated with commercial inspections. There may be. After lengthy discussion the committee voted to add $20K for an part time temporary position for the building inspector and also a $10,000 temporary position of the Parks & Rec department.

It was this observer’s impression that the committee was also displeased about being made the referee  in attempting to determine which departments should receive additional at times like this. They made it clear that the schools received the funds in this case based on the quality of their need (lost head count) and their ability to substantiate it. The town, on other hand, had done a poor job in clearly identifying what the additional resource for the building inspector would do and specifically what drove that need (e.g. how many outstanding inspections etc). Lastly, they cited the lack of communication between the schools and town hall on their respective needs and priorities and urged better communication going forward.


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