Letter: Larson questions TSA judgement

from Malcolm Larson

Every time I read about the TSA’s decision to now allow passengers to board aircraft with pocket knives I get crazy. Who are these TSA people, that we pay, that come up with such idiotic ideas? I have to put my tooth paste in my checked in luggage and take off my shoes, but I can carry a knife on board. Can you just imagine the TSA “top level executives” having meetings on important aviation security issues and the resulting policy change is this? Passengers with knives ! How would you feel if you were thousands of feet above Milton sitting next to a total stranger that was cleaning his nails with a pocket knife? I guess the best response would be to make sure you have a bigger knife, or maybe two knives.

This is a clear example of why so many Americans have lost faith in government. All too often they make absolutely no sense and, if fact, make things worse. Is this the best we can do? The TSA people responsible for authorizing this absurdity should be fired immediately. There are plenty of returning Veterans looking for jobs that know first hand the consequence of poor decision making and would give credibility to TSA.


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