Bob Hiss announces for School Committee

The following was submitted by the candidate

Today, I announce my candidacy for a seat on the Milton School Committee.

What are my qualifications? Like many of you, I’m a product of a public school system. Raised in Holden, MA and Simsbury, CT. Attended college at the University of Michigan (where I met Mary, my wife of 30 years). After getting married, we moved to Boston in 1985 and Milton in 1998. We have three children who have or are currently attending the Milton Public Schools.

I’ve been a software guy my whole career. Spent most of my career at Accenture with stops at software startups along the way. Led project teams, engineering teams, served as a CEO, served as a member of boards and led boards. Raised money for software startups, recruited people and built a team, bought and sold companies, delivered a budget and made payroll.

I am a Town Meeting member from Precinct 3, a member of the Vestry of St. Michael’s Church of Milton and the Pack Master of St. Agatha’s Cub Scout Pack 5.

Why am I running? The School Committee needs members with children in the schools. Things change and our school’s capabilities and challenges change over time. I think we need Committee members who are experiencing what is happening now. Mary and I have a son in Collicot and two older children that have already worked their way through.

The School Committee needs a balance of educators and non-educators. A board needs members with deep domain skills and those with an outside perspective. With a career in business, I have skills and experience that will help the School Committee hear that outside perspective and that in turn will help you.

The School Committee needs to represent the needs of its customers (the students/parents) and of its owners (the taxpayers). Most boards only represent the interests of the owners. School committees should do both. I will represent the students/parents who benefit from the schools and the taxpayers who fund them as I am both.

Why should you vote for me? Schools need an integrated fabric of resources to succeed including capable administrators, skilled teachers and coaches, quality instructional materials and well maintained facilities. I will represent this balanced view. Parents want to know that they can influence their children’s education. As a parent and customer of the schools, I will listen to parent needs and speak for their interests. Taxpayers desire transparency and want to know that their school investment is reasonable and well spent. So do I. If you have questions about the schools, I’ll tell you what I know when I know it.

I am Bob Hiss. I am running for School Committee. I humbly request your vote on Tuesday April 30.

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