Police notes: Alertness prevents crimes; MPD urge patience with construction; charges to be filed

Notices from the Milton Police Department

9/17 – A VERY ALERT Milton resident took notice of two SP males that walked into a driveway on Cliff Rd. today. MPD officers intercepted the two Boston men at the corner of Eliot and Cliff Rd. Both men had criminal records including recent breaks in Metro Boston. We have identified and interviewed both. They had a small amount of assorted jewelry (gold and silver) in a backpack. We have no crime at this time. The two people who called from the neighborhood did EXACTLY what we ask. Your attentiveness prevented a crime and helped protect your neighborhood. Thanks for your efforts…

9/14 – PATIENCE!! This is what we are asking all drivers to exercise during the Wood Street construction project in East Milton. The gridlock and congestion clearly shows just how much traffic flows through our streets daily. Shutting down one main road specifically, the Wood Street Overpass, shows how easily traffic can gridlock. MPD is working closely with Mass. DOT to try and coordinate details to alleviate this gridlock and backup. So that is why we are asking for your patience and cooperation, as well as a little courtesy towards other drivers. Thank You!

09/13 – MPD has concluded our investigation into the late night pool party on Mark Ln. last week. Criminal Complaint applications have filed in Quincy District Court today against two Milton residents for allowing alchoholic beverages to be sold without being licensed.

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