Fontbonne students recognize first responders

News release from Fontbonne Academy

In honor of September 11th radio stations, newspapers, and television programs reflected on the events of 2001. On her way to school, a Fontbonne Academy senior, Maretta Morovitz, was listening to the Karson and Kennedy morning show on Mix 104.1. The radio hosts encouraged their listeners to recognize their local first responders in remembrance of September 11, 2001. Upon arriving at school, Maretta and four of her friends got together and discussed how they might do so.

Within minutes, the students wrote an announcement to be read during homeroom period to all students, asking for a small donation at lunch. The Fontbonne Academy seniors thought a pizza lunch was the perfect way to express their gratitude to the brave men and women who risked their lives on 9/11 and continue to do so each day to protect us, expecting to be able to raise enough to buy pizza for one of the Milton Fire Stations. To their delight, over the course of the day, the Fontbonne Academy community raised $175, and was able send pizza lunches to the three Milton Fire Stations and to the Milton Police Station. Maretta said, “We hope that through this simple gesture, we have expressed our endless thanks to these local heroes.”

The following message was enclosed with each delivery, “In recognition of 9/11, the Fontbonne Academy community would like to say thank you for all you do to protect our community and all of Milton every day. Please enjoy the pizza.”

L to R: Julia Butts ’13, K.J. Moran ’13, Maretta Morovitz ’13, Caroline Cabral ’13, and Emily Devane ’13.

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