Michael Kelly Announces Candidacy for Milton’s Planning Board

The following was submitted by the candidate

I am Michael Kelly and I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to humbly offer my skill sets and professional experience to help protect the character of our community, our quality of life and property values. Because I am best suited to serve the planning and zoning needs I am pleased to announce my candidacy for Milton’s Planning Board.

Milton is unique with more than one third of the town protected open space; while that ensures environmental preservation; it also creates pressure on the occupied 8 square miles of our 13 square mile town. Zoning is vital and it must be honored with exceptions made only in the rarest of circumstances.

As a member of the Planning Board, I will endeavor to vigorously protect our residential zones, to preserve each neighborhood and those characteristics that make Milton a desirable place to buy a home and live. It is incumbent upon the Planning Board to preserve our quality of life.

We need to grow and we need to enhance our tax base when and where we can and we can achieve desirable growth in our commercial districts that is beneficial to our town.

Before joining J.F. White Contracting, Inc as a project engineer, I graduated from the Wentworth Institute of Technology with a Bachelors degree in civil engineering. I worked for Peter Kiewit Sons, Inc. for thirteen years and have been with J.F. White for the last thirteen years where I am responsible for managing projects and providing quality assurance, cost containment, quality improvement, and effective communications, often sensitive and challenging for both clients and staff. Serving Milton’s Planning Board provides the highest and best use of my professional skills, practical experience, and personal strengths to benefit Milton.

I have lived in Milton with my wife and family for 13 years. I am a Town Meeting member and have dedicated coached Milton Youth Hockey, Milton Little League, and Babe Ruth. My wife Teresa is a nurse at Milton Hospital where she has worked for the last thirteen years. Together we started the Nick Kelly Scholarship Fund in memory of our nephew; the proceeds benefit BC High School, Salve Regina University, and Abington Little League. Together with our three kids, we are members of the St. Agatha Parish where we have been volunteers helping in many charitable events. We are strong advocates and supporters of the Milton public schools, Milton school sports and Milton’s Parks and Recreation. Our son Liam is a student at Pierce, our daughter Allison attends Milton High School and our oldest son Sean is a freshman at Merrimack College.

I look forward to meeting many of you as I campaign for the Milton Planning Board seat. I need your help and welcome your contributions, your advice and your questions at my home phone 617-698-0918. I promise to serve in Milton’s best interests and respectfully ask for your vote on April 24th .

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