Milton Public Library introduces new customer feedback tools

News release from the Milton Public Library

The Milton Public Library is using a blend of new and old technologies to make it easier for library users to give feedback on their experience at the library. The traditional is two new suggestion boxes that have been added to the library and will be placed in different areas over time. The new technology is an online suggestion box, developed using a WordPress blog. “It is almost a reverse blog” said Library Director Phil McNulty. “With most blogs, the writer posts an article, and people respond or not. In this case the “article” is a simple request to “tell us what you think”. The return comments are the important part.” The library director will approve each comment for posting, and also add a reply.

The system went into effect this month, and already has had a positive result. One patron noted that she had to help another patron with a walker open the ladies room door, because its initial opening force was too great. We passed the info onto the new Consolidated Facilities department, and the next day they adjusted the door, and also found that it was binding on the threshold and fixed that.

The library is committed to improving all aspects of customer service. The Library Trustees have an active Customer Service Committee headed by Janet Evans with Trustees Brendan McLaughlin, Barbara Mason and Frank Schroth. Janet Evans said, “Our new library has seen tremendous growth in circulation, computer and meeting room use and programming. Our staff welcomes you and looks forward to helping you find the books, DVDs and other materials you need. We look forward to hearing your feedback!” Frank, the author of the My Town Matters blog, was particularly helpful in getting the Suggestion Box blog set up on WordPress. Find the green mailbox icon on the library website to leave your own suggestion, or drop a note in one of the traditional suggestion boxes. The library can be reached online at

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