Milton 350th kicks off with Art! Reception draws a crowd

Weather Shmeather – folks turned out in numbers to attend the Milton 350th’s kick off event, an art reception at the Milton Public Library that features art work by local artisists of local scenes and a retrospective of photographs by Milton photographer Clifton Lawrence Fasch curated by the Milton Historical Society.

The event was hosted by the 350th with help from The Milton Historical Society, The Friends of the Milton Library – and let’s not forget the library staff. Refreshments were served. Music was provided by the Greg Massaro Jazz Duo.

Both exhibits will remain on display. Go see them. You can learn more about future 350th events on their web site here.

Here is a shot of members of the 350th team followed by a gallery of images of the event.

sittinig L to R: Emma Jean Mouton, David Connolly wiith Caroliine; standing L to R: Beth Neville, Dorothy Cutler, Hyacinth Crichlow, Janet Christensen, Mary McLaughlin, Lynd-Lee Sheridan

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