Milton Players to stage the Neil Simon classic – “The Odd Couple”

The Milton Players will staging Neil Simon’s classic comedy The Odd Couple, the 1965 Broadway hit, about a slob and a neat freak who set up housekeeping together after their wives leave them. The play went on to become a successful movie and a long-running television series as well as various other derivative entertainments.

The stage version won numerous awards including two Tonys, for best actor (Walther Matthau) and best play, and after almost fifty years, remains one of the best-loved comedies widely performed last year (2011) throughout North America and in foreign countries around the world from Venezuela to Poland and Japan.

The Milton Players are happy to revive this hilarious old chestnut for the third time. This production is directed by Donald Capen.

Fridays and Saturdays, January 27, 28 and February 3, 4 at 8:00 pm; Sunday, February 5 at 2:00 pm, 2012.

Evening performances, $20. Sunday matinée, $15 — online or at the door. Cabaret style seating. Complimentary wine and cheese served at evening performances.

Information and Tickets available online on our web site here and from ticketstage

All performances are at:

The Milton Woman’s Club,?90 Reedsdale Road (Rt. 28)?Milton, MA  0218

(617) 698 – 7469

With Milton’s Maureen Truax (right) as Gwendolyn Pigeon, The Milton Players rehearse the second production of the season. “The Odd Couple” by Neil Simon is an enduring classic that after more than forty years continues to tread the boards in productions worldwide. Here the effervescent Miss Pigeon, with David Giangrando as Felix Unger and Dan Walsh as Oscar Madison, try to get the party started. (photo by Cass Von Braun)

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