Copeland Foundation donates $100,000 in support of library endowment

The Milton Library Foundation has announced that they are the most recent recipient of the gracious generosity of the Copeland Foundation. The donation of $100,000 will establish The Copeland Famly Foundation Endowment Fund. The interest from the fund will be applied to the purchases of books to enhance the collection.

Upon hearing the news, Anne Collins, a long-time MLF director, said, “What a marvelous gift from the Copeland Family Foundation Endowment to our Milton Library Foundation Endowment to benefit the citizens of Milton.”

Herbert Voigt, MLF President, remarked that “the establishment of an endowment for the Milton Library Foundation was a logical decision for the Library’s fund-raising arm, once the primary goal of enlarging and renovating Milton’s Public Library was successfully completed just over a year ago. The Copeland Family Foundation is continuing its long and illustrious history of helping make Milton an exciting and rewarding place to learn and live.”

MLF President-elect Kathy Fagan Bauer said, “We are very grateful to the Copeland Foundation for recognizing that the Milton Public Library is more than just a place where the books reside: it is the very heart of our community and needs our ongoing support. This generous gift will ensure that many more stories will now be discovered and treasured.” And June Robinson, Chair of the MLF’s Investment Committee, added, “Certainly the gift from the Copeland Family Foundation exemplifies major community support that will help keep our library a center of learning for generations to come.”

The Copeland Foundation has also recently donated funds in support of Milton’s 350th Celebration and the Milton Animal League.

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