Mexican wood carvers to demonstrate craft in schools

Master Oaxacan woodcarver Ventura Fabian and his son Norberto will demonstrate the art and craft of Oaxacan woodcarvingin a series of presentations at the four Milton public elementary schools during four days in November.

The visit by the program, The Visiting Mexican Artists Program: The Dancing Chickens of Ventura Fabian, is made possible by a generous grant from ¡CelebrateMilton! and the efforts of the Milton Visual Arts Alliance (MVAA). Project Director and Jamaica Plain resident Nina Hasin will bring these Mexican artisans to the Milton schools to present a program that will enchant and educate. Ventura and Norberto carve and paint as Hasin gives a brief talk and presents a short video about their craft and life in the small rural village of San Martín Tilcajete, Oaxaca, Mexico. The talk is followed by a question and answer period during which audience members can get a closer look at and handle some of the carvings and tools.

Hasin has been bringing the well-received Fabians to Boston for several years to participate in educational presentations and exhibits at local schools and museums. The project touches upon numerous themes aside from woodcarving, such as the daily life of a rural artisan family; how children participate in helping the family survive economically; and how family members create a balance between subsistence agriculture and craft work. “By promoting the artistic and creative works of Mexico in the United States, The Visiting Mexican Artists Program helps to develop well-informed audiences and communities by sensitizing them to the expressions and realities of other cultures,” commented Maria Regan, Outreach Manager for the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies.

You can learn more about the Fabians, their work, and the program on their web site.

The program will take place in all 4 Milton elementary schools:

  • Cunningham – Nov 4
  • Collicott – Nov 14
  • Tucker – Nov 17
  • Glover – Nov 18

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