U.S.Rowing referee Quinn brings them in

by Frank Schroth

John Quinn

Coxswains and rowers from around the New England area converged at the Charlie Winchester Auditorium at Milton High this past Saturday to hear first hand how they should handle themselves when rowing in competition. They came to hear from one of the foremost authorities, US Rowing Association Judge-Referee John Quinn. Many of the coxswains were unfamiliar with the rules of rowing and sought guidance on how to improve.

Quinn speaks with authority, clarity, and humor. He methodically walked through the areas of concern for crews and how to prepare for them. The facts and observations ranged from the mundane and seemingly obvious: knowing where the race it and what time, ensuring the boat is rigged properly to race specific such as course obstacles and markings, loading of stake boats, and the broken equipment zone. The coxain is the one in charge and there are a great number of small details to look after. Like many sports, so it is in rowing, that minor mistakes can cost precious time.

Quinn was a good teacher and his knowledge extensive. He received the Jack Franklin Service Award in 2009. It is given to a referee for his or her lifetime contribution to the sport. Quinn began his association with crew as a coxswain for St. Joseph’s Prep in Philadelphia and later for Vesper Boat Club. Between the Prep and Vesper, he logged 17 years as a competitor. Quinn has served as a US Rowing licensed referee since 1967, and is currently on the committee charged with resolving on-water disputes at the upcoming Head of the Charles.

The 50+ people in attendance that included rowers from Cohasset, BC High, and New Hampshire. All picked up valuable advice and guidance and will be better prepared when entering competitions regardless of whether they are head races or sprints. The clinic was a success and The Friends of Milton Crew, who together with the Milton High Athletic Department, are planning another clinic for the spring that will build on the fundamentals presented Saturday.

For information about Milton Crew please visit their web site at http://www.miltoncrew.org or email them at info@miltoncrew.org.

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