First ever Drum Circle presented by Spark of Joy Love Band at East Congregational

Back Row: Jennifer Wry, Glenn Kidder, Michael Maholchic, Lillian Fuchs Front Row: Nancy Azar, Laura Ruth Jarrett, Rev. Sara Marean (co-Pastor, East Congregational Church), Nia Rogers

by Glenn Kidder / photo by Steve Nelson

On Sat., March 19, the East Congregational Church Growth & Development Committee sponsored a first-ever Drum Circle in Fellowship Hall, presented by The Spark of Joy Love Band.  Nearly 30 members and friends participated in the event, and spirits (as well as rhythms) soared!

No experience was required in order to join in, and the age range of those present was vast – from youngsters to our most seasoned members.

The drum circle was described as “freeing,” “fun,” and “inspirational,” and even those who had never touched a drum or a percussion instrument prior to the event had no trouble fitting right in.  The joy-o-meter in the room was off the scale!

Goodies were provided by East Church’s own Milk & Honey Baking Collaborative – another scrumptious success!

The East Church Growth & Development Committee welcomes all members of the Milton community to participate in our events.

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