Review: “Let’s Murder Marsha” delivers a night of laughs

by Annie Davis

The Milton Players’ current production Let’s Murder Marsha is the perfect antidote to all this snow and cold.  A mad comedy by Monk Ferris, it’s the contemporary story of a woman who becomes truly immersed in her love of crime fiction. Misunderstandings lead to pandemonium, and the who’s murdering whom doesn’t get sorted out until the end.

In its seventy-eight seasons, the Milton Players have always delivered a fun night out, easy to get to, affordable, and totally entertaining.  In recent seasons, the quality of the performances is uniformly excellent, and Let’s Murder Marsha is consistent with that tradition.

The acting is balanced and demonstrates consistent professionalism. Some like Stephen Hamilton, who plays Tobias Gilmore, have deep roots in the Milton theatre scene. Others are familiar to us from recent productions.  All the actors have extensive acting credentials, and it shows. They are Cathy Larson (Marsha Gilmore), Woody Farrick (Virgil Baxter), Sarah Rocca (Persis Devore), Emily Loflin (Bianca), Carolyn Cafarelli (Lynette Thoren), and Gary Mlinac (Ben Quade).

We loved the sets, with attention to detail that evokes an upscale New York apartment, including working fireplace and padded leatherette bar (where did they find it!) that coordinates with the furnishings.  The costumes, particularly of the sexy glittering Persis Devore and the elderly pink-coordinated Mrs Thoren, are spot on without being exaggerated. The direction by Thomas Coon and stage management by Tanya Kutasz are impressive.  And the venue, the Milton Women’s Club, is just the perfect spot, with its funky, friendly, classic community feel and its fully serviceable and sizeable stage.

Let’s Murder Marsha runs Jan 29 and February 4 & 5 at 8 PM and Sunday, Feb 6 at 2 PM.  Don’t miss it! Bring some friends! You’re guaranteed a lot of laughs and a night (or afternoon) of thoroughly enjoyable entertainment. How proud and lucky Milton is to have great live theatre right here!

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