Mtg notes: Plan’g Brd 12.09.10 – Hendries oak tree RFP to be issued

At last Thursday’s Planning Board Meeting members reviewed along with developer Steve Connelly an RFP drafted by member Pete Jackson. This was part of an ongoing public hearing regarding the development of the Hendries property on Eliot Street.

Mr. Connelly was concerned with some of the wording of the RFP. He felt it was an invitation to the prospective arborist to make a pitch to get more work. At issue is the health of a large black oak. Mr Conelly had an arborist look at the tree and his opinion was that the tree could not be saved. Members of the board, especially Mr. Jackson, are not convinced and want to make every effort to see that the tree is preserved and hence are requesting the developer pay for a second opinion. The RFP will go out to 5 or 6 firms selected by the Planning Board and with the consent and agreement of the developer.

If the arborist determines that “reasonable” efforts can save the tree then we may have a case of the dueling arborists.

What is not currently defined is what constitutes “reasonable.” If a determination is made that the tree can be saved then Mr. Connelly will need to significantly amend his design.

The RFP was amended to address Connelly’s concerns that it not read like an invitation for a “work order.” He seeks to control the costs and if remedial measures are required he will make them but wants flexibility to hire and negotiate the terms. Planning board members mentioned that such a process could cause delays but the developer stated that would be his preference.

The board will meet agaiin nest week to continue the discussion and have closure on the RFP.

A second issue was reviewing the process for determining the height of the building. The board wants the measurement to be made from a point at which the ground would be at if existing building was raised and then filled according to property’s grade.

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