Tisdale update: Police officials believe youth fell from plane

This afternoon Norfolk District Attorney Keating held a press conference in which he stated that Delvonte Tisdale likely did fall from the wheel well of an airplane. The flight left from Charlotte for Boston.It is speculated that it was a Boeing flight that left Charlotte at approximately 7:00pm.

Mr. Keating stated that it was a terrible tragedy, he could not begin to imagine the family’s grief and declined to speak to conversation he had with the family. He also acknowledged that it was a serious breach of security and expects it would be fully investigated by airport security and TSA.

Clues that eventually led investigators to this conclusion included grease marks and a handprint.

Earlier today a number of news outlets reported on a wide search of the area by police from several communities that took place this morning.

You can find Boston Herald coverage here and Boston.com – Your Town Milton coverage here.

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