Senator Joyce of Milton among State House leaders appointed to Probation-legislation committee

Senate President Therese Murray appointed Milton Senator Brian A. Joyceto the Probation Reform Working Group along with  Senators Cynthia Stone Creem and Michael R. Knapik. Governor Deval Patrick and House Speaker Robert DeLeo also made three appointments each to the group. The committee’s charter is to examine the current system, review best practices of other states and make recommendations for a comprehensive reform bill due in January.

Joyce currently serves as the Chair of the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. He is also Vice-Chair of Housing, Acting Vice-Chair of Higher Education, a member of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, and sits on the Financial Service, Public Safety and Homeland Security, Public Service, and Federal Stimulus Oversight committees.

“Senate President Murray has asked us to conduct an open, honest and transparent review of the Probation Department in order to recommend best practices to ensure a properly functioning department and restore the public’s trust,” said Senator Joyce.

The Governor’s made the following appointments:

  • Gregory Massing, General Counsel for the Executive Office of Public Safety
  • David E. Sullivan, General Counsel for the Executive Office for Administration and Finance
  • Abim Thomas, First Assistant Deputy Legal Counsel to the Governor

The Speaker’s appointments are:

  • Patricia A. Haddad, Assistant Majority Whip
  • Byron Rushing, Second Division Chair
  • Representative F. Jay Barrows

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