MPS publishes MCAS report

The presentation given to the School Committee on spring MCAS results is now available online from the school web site. It includes information on the new process for gauging student growth.

The administration calls out key points in a slide title, “District Data:”


  • Collicot School – Made AYP in all subgroups in ELA. Commendation – High Growth
  • Pierce Middle School: Special Education sub group made AYP in both ELA and MATH & and all subgroups made AYP in Mathematics in 2010
  • Glover School: Made AYP for aggregate and sub groups for all areas
  • MHS: Made adequate Yearly progress for Af./Am subgroup. Low income , identified in ELA
  • Tucker: Made AYP in Math all subgroups


  • Making Adequate Yearly progress for all groups in all content areas
  • Addressing specific grade level or school areas of concern
  • Addressing specific content and curricular issues related to standards

You can find the complete presentation with MCAS results here.

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