MYH board seeks support in effort by town to manage rink

In a letter to friends and parents of players Milton Youth Hockey stated their position on the Ulin Rink and asked for support in having the rink be  managed by the town.

The DCR issued an RFP for rink management. The RFP is for a 5 year permit. The town has filed a response to that but is also eager to see legislation passed that represents a more long-lasting and secure committment. There are two bills in limbo. One is sponsored by Senator Joyce and one by Representative Timilty (co-sponsored by Representative Forry) . Both favor the town having a long-term lease. A lease provides the town with more control than the permit. Joyce’s legislation would grant a 25 year lease; Timilty’s a 1 year lease with right to renew. Each piece of legislation has passed its respective body (i.e. Joyce’s through the Senate and Timilty’s through the House).

Being a major constituent of the rink, Milton Hockey has a vested interest in seeing a secure long-term committment in place. In their letter the Board of Directors state:

The position of the MYH Board of Directors is as follows:  “MYH fully supports the Town of Milton entering into an agreement to take over management of the Ulin Rink by virtue of a long-term lease.  We believe this is in the best interest of MYH in both the short-and long-term”.

(italics MYH Board of Directors)

Upon receiving a lease the town will award day-to-day operations to a third-party firm. The Board of Selectmen are working on a RFP for those services.

The MYH board provided the following contact information:

Email the Governor at:
Phone: 617-725-4005

Contact Senator Brian Joyce at:
Phone: 617-722-1643

Contact Representative Walter Timilty at:
Phone: 617-722-2810

Contact Representative Angelo Scaccia at:
Telephone: 617-722-2060

Contact Representative Linda Dorcenna Forry at:
Telephone: 617-722-2080

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