Wednesday is food day

Wednesday historically features food in a great number of the nation’s newspapers. The Globe, the Times, et al all have a food section today where they have recipes and restaurant reviews etc.

Now we do too.

The focus will be on local of course. To start today’s Globe highlights a cheese available from local merchant, Esprit de Vin. It is called Cremont and it comes from the Vermont Butter & Cheese Creamery. You can read about it here.


Have you ever had purslane? Neither had we; but it showed up in our CSA farm share (from Brookwood Farm ) this week.One of the benefits of a farm share is getting something you didn’t know you wanted. Purslane qualifies. It is a bright slightly bitter green most commonly used in salads. Mix it with another green such as parsley and serve with a lemon based dressing. It makes for a perfect light early summer salad.

With luck it will be on sale at tomorrow’s Farmer’s Market in Milton Village from Brookwood Farm .  (You can learn more about the market here.) If they’re out of purslane I am sure that you’ll find something else wonderfully fresh.

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