Monthly Archives: October 2013

Mtg notes: BoS 10.03.13 (a) – Gift of land to Temple meets swift opposition

by Frank Schroth

There is no P&S, no site plan, nor any architectural renderings yet, but there was swift neighborhood opposition to a proposed gift of ~1 acre of land by Marvin and Andrea Gordon that could serve as the site of a new synagogue for Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills. At the October 3rd meeting of the Board of Selectmen, the Cronin room was crowded by residents of Lodge Street who came to express their disapproval of the proposal.

Picture for the day 10.04.13

Senator Brian A. Joyce and Representative Dan Cullinane welcomed the Ferrante family of Milton to the Senate Chambers. Ariana Ferrante was being honored for her summer internship as a State House tour guide and Chiara for an essay she wrote for the MWRA’s Annual School Writing Contest.  Good work!

photo courtesy of Senator Brian A. Joyce

L to R: Sen. Joyce, Chiara Ferrante, Lori Ferrante, Ariana Ferrante and Rep. Cullinane.

Celebrate Milton Reads 2013! Closing Chapter

Milton Reads invites you to join them for a fun afternoon and to celebrate the closing chapter to this year’s program with food, fun, and prizes!

Films, book chats, a Gardner Museum tour, a visit by the lead investigator, and even an evening of trivia, were all part of the Milton Reads 2013 program, when Milton’s readers joined together to read The Gardner Heist, by Ulrich Boser.

Let us know what you liked about Milton Reads 2013 and give us your suggestions for next year’s selection.
Post on Facebook at Milton Reads 2013, or send us a message

Two Milton High School Students Recognized by National Merit Scholarship Program

Two of Milton High School’s students have been named Semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program: Jack Caljouw and Bocar Zilla-Ba. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,000 National Merit Scholarships worth about $35 million that will be offered next spring. Approximately 16,000 Semifinalists were recognized as part of the 59th annual National Merit Scholarship Program.

MPD Notice: “It pays to pick up the phone.”

Notice from the Milton Police Department (Note this is from the Milton Police Dept Facebook page. You can like them on Facebook)

Yesterday afternoon at around 1:00 pm, a resident of the 100 block of Central Ave., called 911 to report that a man unknown to her had appeared at her back door. When she confronted him, he portrayed that he was “looking for directions, allegedly, for Milton Academy.” After giving him directions, she observed him walk away from her home in the totally opposite direction.”

Milton, MA Home Prices Continue to Increase

from Boston Magazine

Touted countless times as one of the most desirable towns to live in Massachusetts, Milton has always been a top location for prospective home buyers. Much like the hot real estate market statewide Milton has also seen a nice bounce recently. Today we’re looking at the single family home market in Boston’s neighbor to the South. (Read the full story here.)

Steeple gets a facelift


A painter worked on the steeple of the First Congregational Church yesterday. It was a beautiful day and it is a beautiful church.

Milton residents on edge over increased Logan noise

from The Boston Globe

Say the words “nonstop flights” to most Milton residents and you are likely to be met with a shudder. In this bucolic town just south of Boston, the term has taken on new meaning — a seemingly incessant string of jets filling the skies. (Read the full story here.)