Chief Wells speaks to fireworks issue

by Frank Schroth

Chief Wells appeared before the Board of Selectmen to discuss several issues, one of which was the recent rash complaints regarding fireworks., among them a Letter to the Editor that appeared on this site. He addressed the issue, amplifying on a communication we received.

The fireworks, which he acknowledged were a nuisance and waking people up, are a Boston issue and that the MPD is in communication with and working with Precinct 3. He put the issue in context saying that Precinct 3 has serious issues to deal with such as gun violence and narcotics. He noted that 635 guns had been taken off the street and that could only have a positive effect on our community. Wells said that 99% of the time we enjoy a high quality of life here. The other 1% is tough (e.g. traffic, firework noise) and brought about in largely by urban pressures due to proximity to Boston. He counseled patience on the part of the public as the BPD in Precinct 3 are dealing with serious issues on a daily basis. He also remarked that  that several ranking members of the MPD lived here in Milton. The efforts of the BPD in Mattapan improve the quality of life in Milton.

The Chief reiterated his request for patience and understanding and assured the board that he is in communication with Precinct 3 and together they are monitoring the issue. Chair Conlon noted that the noise seemed to be abating in recent days.


  1 comment for “Chief Wells speaks to fireworks issue

  1. Carol Seidman
    June 20, 2014 at 9:22 am

    Although I appreciate that there are several issues that Law Enforcement have to deal with this does NOT discount the reduced quality of life and increased safety risk caused by the nightly fireworks. There were 2 quiet nights and now they are back in full force. It is NOT merely an inconvenience. First and foremost Fireworks are Illegal and dangerous. Fires can be caused especialy as the dry times come, the stress and lack of sleep nightly is untenable if it’s happening to you, and misfires are common and cause series injuries. The police have not discontinued passing out moving violations because they are too busy solving more serious issues. We trust that the MPD and BPD are here to both “Serve and Protect.”

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